Dr. Wumbiya Baka
Sudan / Juba-Republic of South Sudan


“In the heart of every community lies the power to understand and overcome its greatest challenges. Through dedication and a commitment to serve, we can uncover the behaviors that fuel outbreaks and those that prevent them, creating a healthier world for all.”


CORE Group Partners Project, South Sudan

Based in

Sudan , Juba-Republic of South Sudan



Short Bio

Wumbiya Simon Demaya Baka is a dedicated South Sudanese epidemiologist with a robust background in disease outbreak investigation, disease surveillance, and research using the One Health Approach. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine (BVM) and a Master’s degree in Veterinary Preventive Medicine (MVPM) with a focus on Field Epidemiology, both from Makerere University, Kampala.

With two years of professional experience in advanced field epidemiology across both human and animal health sectors, her expertise extends to zoonotic diseases research, having planned and conducted significant research on zoonotic diseases in South Sudan’s Greater Kapoeta region (2015-2016).

Wumbiya’s career also includes over three years of experience in research and project management, additionally, she has a strong foundation in project management.

Passionate about helping people, Wumbiya is driven by her commitment to serve large communities, understand their grassroots problems, and identify behaviors that influence disease outbreaks and control. Her dynamic and challenging field continuously motivates her to improve and make a significant impact.

Other Expertise

One Health Zoonoses Wildlife Veterinary Medicine AMR Food Borne Pathogens Epidemiology Surveillance Veterinary Public Health