Dr. Sherifat Balogun-Raji
Nigeria / Abuja


Feedback is the food for champions.


FCT Agriculture And Rural Development Secretariat (ARDS)

Based in

Nigeria , Abuja



Short Bio

I am a veterinarian with over 12 years of combine work and education experience in veterinary medicine and animal health research. I hold a Masters in Veterinary Pharmacology and Public health with emphasis on animal disease surveillance, Epidemiology, One Health and Biostatistics from Usmanu Dan Fodiyo and Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria.
Currently, I work for Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariate (ARDS) a government-agency, as a senior Veterinary Officer in Meat Inspection and Disease Surveillance. I am responsible for ensuring public health and food safety within the abattoirs by daily Inspection of live animals for signs of disease such as tuberculosis, anthrax, brucellosis, fascioliasis etc. and condemnation and confiscation of diseased animals or animal parts. etc.

Other Expertise

Leadership One Health Food and Nutrition Security

Speaker Level

Regular speaker

Job Level

B-level (executive and mid-level management)