Doctor Martha Ayenogma Apike
Ghana / Kumasi


Success is a possibility when you put ypur mind to it


Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Based in

Ghana , Kumasi



Short Bio

Martha is a final year student of the
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science
and Technology and certified participant
in Femaleleadership in one health for
animal and human health workers in west
Africa,organised bu FAO,United
Nations, also tooka short course in basi
computer literacy and certificate of
participationin event planning training
online. She is dedicated to upgrading
and always learning to improve upon her
knowledge and skills through ongoing
professional development. Martha is
blends her academics and education
with leadership roles and extra curricula
activities like anti-rabies awareness
campaigns and similar important ones
that helps with community
Very enthusiastic and hardworking, Has occupied several leadership roles in school
Very proactive and optimistic.
Oriented toward organisational skills.
Easily adapted to environment
Compassionate as well
Martha has held leadership positions like
Orgainising secretary the Ghana
Veterinary Medical Students
Association, KNUST 2021/2022 academic
year,Also being a coordinator of the
Christian Veterinary Fellowship-KNUST
And has also led the Christian Veterinary
Fellowship, KNUST as the President in
2023/2024 academic year.
Martha is a very honest and resilient
leader who stands her ground to make
sure the right thing happens. She's
teachable as she engae in activities that
improves upon her skills always.
During my leadership journey,! have
encountered dishonest executive
members and faced quite some tough
times that I was able to resolve
Doctor of Veterinary Medical
Student(final year)
Martha Ayenogma Apike

Other Expertise

Veterinary Medicine