Dr. Annabel Anyang
United States / Salt Lake City


University of Utah

Based in

United States , Salt Lake City


Short Bio

I am a research veterinarian originally from Nigeria, currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Utah, where my focus lies in studying viral protein evolution. Driven to integrate my veterinary medical background with my passion for One Health, I am interested in the application of both benchside experimental approaches with high-throughput computational tools to interpret - viral omics data, particularly in genomics and proteomics, to glean insights crucial to advancing viral zoonoses research.

My journey is continuously fueled by a profound passion to merge the realms of science communication and visual art for STEM advocacy and community engagement. As an advocate for girl-child education, I am particularly dedicated to fostering socio-economic impact through grassroot community engagement initiatives.

I am deeply intrigued by the potential of digital storytelling through visual art and animation as powerful tools for science communication and STEM advocacy. How can we harness these mediums to create impactful narratives and inspire change?

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