Dr Andrea Britton
Australia / Shepherds Flat


If you want to go fast go alone - if you want to far go together. Vulnerability is not winning or losing. It's having the courage to show up when you cant control the outcome - Brene Brown


One Health Consultant and One Health special interest group convenor Public Health Association Australia

Based in

Australia , Shepherds Flat



Short Bio

Andrea is a global One Health consultant and leader with a strong background in strengthening surveillance systems and laboratory capacity, biosecurity, public health, epidemiology, policy development, zoonotic disease control, antimicrobial resistance, and emergency disease prevention, preparedness and response (PPR). She works at the human-animal-agriculture and ecosystem interface with emerging and re-emerging diseases and diverse stakeholder groups. With Agriculture, Veterinary Science and Public Health training and extensive international development experience and networks, she is keen to support operationalizing One Health at all levels.

Other Expertise

Leadership One Health EIDs Zoonoses AMR Zoonotic Viruses Biosafety Epidemiology Surveillance Pandemic Prevention Preparedness and Response Public Health Prioritization One Health Education Animal Welfare Global Public Health Mass Canine Rabies Vaccination Rabies Surveillance Transboundary Animal Diseases Community Engagement Consulting and Training Evaluation Operationalization of One Health-driven Projects